A tadpole loses its gills and develops lungs during the process called what?

1 Answer
Mar 26, 2017

The process by which frogs make a sudden transition from tadpole stage to adult form is called metamorphosis.


During metamorphosis different tissues develop to facilitate life on land.
The principal changes that occur include the -

  • developement of lungs and disappearance of the gills and Gill sacs.
  • front legs become visible.
  • the lower jaw transforms into a big mandible.
  • the spiral gut is replaced by a short but.
  • nervous system becomes adapted for hearing, stereoscopic vision, new methods of locomotion and feeding,
  • skin becomes thicker and tougher and develops glands.
  • the eyes are repositioned higher up and the eardrum, middle and inner ear are developed.

This metamorphosis lasts for about 24 hours and is initiated by the production of hormone thyroxine.