Can depression impact the body's ability to maintain homeostasis?

1 Answer
Feb 28, 2016



Long-enduring depression, especially if it is stress or trauma related and left untreated or does not respond to treatment, can have major effects on the entire body, both physically and emotionally.

Homeostasis (maintaining of a constant internal environment despite external changes) can be severely affected by depression.
Constant low moods and feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness can lead to disturbances in metabolism, weight issues, etc.

If the symptoms remain untreated and the situation does not improve, it can lead to additional disorders as well like PTED (post traumatic embitterment disorder), MDD (major depressive disorder), GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), metabolic syndrome (syndrome X), fibromyalgia, hypertension, etc.
These can in turn lead to physical effects like lethargy, lowered reaction times, breathlessness, sweating, heart beat irregularities, headaches, GIT problems (gastro-intestinal tract), weight issues, muscle and joint pains, etc.