How do I find the limit of a series?

1 Answer

There is no general method to do this.

Consider the following definition considering a series of terms #a_k#:

#s_n = sum_(k=0)^n a_k#

This is clearly a sequence, called the sequence of partial sums of the series.

The question of determining the limit of the series

#sum_(k=0)^oo a_k = lim_(n to oo) sum_(k=0)^n a_k = ?#

then becomes a question of determining the limit of a sequence:

# lim_(n to oo) sum_(k=0)^n a_k = lim_(n to oo) s_n = ?#

which does not have a trivial answer.

Some limits can be determined using certain tricks, like the geometric series of initial term #a# and ratio #r# such that # -1 < r < 1 #, whose limit can be determined by a simple algebraic trick:

#lim_(n to oo) s_n = s = a + ar + ar^2 + cdots + ar^n + cdots #
#rs = ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + cdots + ar^n + cdots#
#s - rs = a => s = a/(1-r)#

or the the series #sum_(k=0)^oo 1/(k^2)#, whose limit can be found using Fourier Series (this question was called the Basel Problem).