How do you solve the equation #cottheta=12.3# for #0<theta<2pi#?

1 Answer
Feb 8, 2017

#theta ~~ 0.8112 or 3.2227# (radians) # [= 4.648^@ or 184.648^@]#


In theory if #cos(theta)=12.3# then, for #thetain[0,pi), #theta=arccot(12.3)#

...but my calculator will only give me #arctan# values,
#color(white)("XXX")#since #tan(theta)=1/cot(theta)#

For #theta in [0,pi)#, I used my calculator to evaluate
#color(white)("XXX")arctan(1/12.3)~~0.81122392# (radians)

For #theta in [0,color(black)(2pi))#, it is necessary to include the angle in Q III by adding #pi# to this to obtain an additional angle with this measurement.