How long does it take for 25% of the C-14 atoms in a sample of C-14 to decay? If a sample of C-14 initially contains 1.5 millimol of C-14, how many millimoles are left after 2255 years?

The half-life for the radioactive decay of C-14 is 5730 years and is independent of the initial concentration.

1 Answer
Oct 26, 2017

Answer 1: #t = 2378" yrs"#

Answer 2: #Q(2255" yrs") = 1.14" millimol"#


How long does it take for 25% of the C-14 atoms in a sample of C-14 to decay?

Starting with the equation:

#Q(t) = Q(0)(1/2)^(t/t_"half-life")" [1]"#

Digress for a while and use the formula for #Delta%#

#Delta% = 100(NewValue-OldValue)/(OldValue)#

Substitute #Delta% = -25%, NewValue = Q(t), and OldValue = Q(0)#

#-25% = 100(Q(t)-Q(0))/(Q(0))#

Divide both sides by 100:

#-0.25= (Q(t)-Q(0))/(Q(0))#

Separate into two fractions:

#-0.25= (Q(t))/(Q(0))-(Q(0))/(Q(0))#

The second fraction becomes -1:

#-0.25 = (Q(t))/(Q(0)) - 1#

Add 1 to both sides:

#(Q(t))/(Q(0)) = 0.75" [2]"#

Divide both sides of equation [1] by #Q(0)#:

#(Q(t))/(Q(0))=(1/2)^(t/t_"half-life")" [1.1]"#

Substitute equation [2] into equation [1.1]

#0.75=(1/2)^(t/t_"half-life")" [1.2]"#

Use the natural logarithm on both sides:

#ln(0.75)=ln((1/2)^(t/t_"half-life"))" [1.2]"#

Use the property of logarithms #ln(a^c) = (c)ln(a)#:

#ln(0.75)=(t/t_"half-life")ln(1/2)" [1.3]"#

#t = t_"half-life"ln(0.75)/ln(1/2)" [1.4]"#

Substitute #t_"half-life" = 5730" yrs"# into equation [1.4]:

#t = (5730" yrs")ln(0.75)/ln(1/2)" [1.5]"#

#t = 2378" yrs"#

If a sample of C-14 initially contains 1.5 millimol of C-14, how many millimoles are left after 2255 years?

#Q(2255" yrs") = (1.5xx10^-3" mol")(1/2)^((2255" yrs")/(5730" yrs")#

#Q(2255" yrs") = 1.14" millimol"#