If endergonic reactions are not spontaneous, how do they occur?
1 Answer
An endergonic reaction occurs by coupling with an even more exergonic reaction.
An exergonic reaction is one in which
See Is exergonic the same as endothermic or exothermic?.
The only way that an endergonic reaction can occur spontaneously is if it is coupled with an even more exergonic reaction.
The sum of the
The process is called energy coupling.
For example, glutamate and ammonium ions react to form the amino acid glutamine. The reaction is endergonic:
glutamate + NH₄⁺ → glutamine;
The conversion of ATP to ADP is strongly exergonic:
ATP + H₂O → ADP +
If we add the two reactions, we get
glutamate + NH₄⁺ + ATP + H₂O → glutamine + ADP +
In the body, the enzyme glutamine synthetase catalyzes the reaction. It proceeds by way of an intermediate phosphate.
glutamate + ATP → glutamyl-
glutamate + NH₄⁺ + ATP + H₂O → glutamine + ADP +