Question #2ba47

1 Answer

Here is one that worked for me. I remember taking the first exam in my sophomore year micro class and it kicked my ___!

I joined a study group. We met a few times before our exams and tried to make up questions we thought our professor would ask us (our tests were blue book - essay/free response).

Once we had a question, one member of the group would start writing out an answer on a chalk board in the study room we were using in the campus library. All members of the group would contribute what they could to develop a really good answer and the writer just kept adding info until we all agreed we had a good answer. Then we would do another, and another, and another... until we thought we had exhausted the topics our prof might ask about.

We would draw and label pictures, create flow charts for metabolic pathways etc. We developed really good answers because we took advantage of the knowledge of an entire group of people.

We got so good at predicting what our professor was going to ask on tests, that there weren't any questions that we weren't prepared for. I got an A on every test for the rest of the semester. I don't know that I could have done that on my own.

There's no magic bullet for studying for a challenging class. Get with a group of motivated classmates and get to work. You'll be fine.