Question #7b466

2 Answers
Mar 18, 2015

An element is basically everything you see on the periodic table.

But when two or more elements form a bond like O2, N2, Cl2, etc. They form a molecule.

Mar 21, 2015

We call something an element if it's made out of the same atoms.

Some elements 'prefer' to bond as twosomes, like #H_2,O_2, N_2#
There are others, like Phosforous #P_4# or sulphur #S_8#

All of them are called molecules, even the ones that go solo, like #He# or #Ne# (these are called mono-atomic molecules, as opposed to the di-atomic and other molecules above). A molecule is, in a way, a finished product, while the atoms are the building blocks. For some buildings, like the inert gasses above, one block suffices.

Element = same kind of atoms througout
Molecule =one or more atoms bound together in a fixed arrangement
If all atoms are the same, it's still an element, otherwise it's called a compound .

Example :
Graphite and diamond are quite different, but they are just two forms of the element #C# carbon.