What are the answering basics someone needs to know when they first join Socratic?

1 Answer
Apr 13, 2015

Let's collaborate on a list of all the "basics" new folks need to know about when answering or editing questions on Socratic.

Eventually, we can link this list to all the actual resources and then link this answer to the "Who's new" thread.

(Credit to Alan P for this great idea!)

Add your ideas — aka "things I wish I knew" — to this list:

  • Formatting / use of #'s
  • How to write a matrix
  • How to add the image source when posting an image/video
  • If the answer is copied from another site, always add a link to the source
  • How to break long paragraphs into smaller ones (answer formatting)
  • When clicking on an unanswered question, make sure to hit the Cancel button next to the Post Answer one to check for potential additional information posted in the comments section