Let f(x)=1-x and g(x)= x^2 and h(x)= 1/x, how do you find g(h(x))?

1 Answer
Jun 5, 2015

If g(x) = x^2
and h(x) = 1/x

then g(h(x)) = (h(x))^2 = (1/x)^2 = 1/x^2

Sometimes this can be easier to see if you remember that the x in
color(white)("XXXX")g(x)=x^2 and in h(x)= 1/x
are just place holders
and could be written as
color(white)("XXXX")g(W) = W^2 and h(Q)=1/Q
then there is less confusion in replacing the W of g(W) with h(x)