How do you prepare a 1 M HCl solution, which has a specific gravity of 1.18? The HCl solution has 35% purity. Calculate the volume required to prepare the solution.

1 Answer
Jul 10, 2015

To make 1 L of 1 mol/L HCl, you take 88 mL of the concentrated solution and add water to make a total of 1 L.


Assume that you want to prepare 1 L of 1 mol/L HCl.

Step 1. Calculate the moles of HCl needed.

"Moles of HCl" = 1 cancel("L HCl") × "1 mol HCl"/(1 cancel("L HCl")) = "1 mol HCl"

Step 2. Calculate the mass of HCl Needed.

"Mass of HCl" = 1 cancel("mol HCl") × "36.46 g HCl"/(1 cancel("mol HCl")) = "36.46 g HCl"

Step 3. Calculate the mass of solution required.

"Mass of soln" = 36.46 cancel("g HCl") × "100 g soln"/(35 cancel("g HCl")) = "104.2 g soln"

Step 4. Calculate the volume of solution required.

"Volume of soln" = 104.2 cancel("g soln") × "1 mL soln"/(1.18 cancel("g soln")) = "88 mL soln"