How do I find the factorial of a negative number?

1 Answer
Jul 24, 2015

It depends.


Factorial as such is only defined for non-negative integers with the familiar recursive definition:

#0! = 1#
#(n+1)! = (n+1)n!# for #n >= 0#

There are a couple of extensions of the definition of factorial to cover a larger domain.

Euler's gamma function

The most mainstream extension of the definition of factorial is given by Euler's gamma function,

For positive integers:

#Gamma(n) = (n-1)!#

For any complex number #t# with a positive real part:

#Gamma(t) = int_0^oo x^(t-1)e^(-x) dx#

Then we can use the identity #Gamma(t+1) = t Gamma(t)# to extend the definition to all values except negative integers (which would entail division by #0#).

Roman factorial

This extends the definition of factorial to the negative integers as follows:

#|__n~|!# #= n!# for #n >= 0#

#|__n~|!# #= (-1)^(-n-1)/((-n-1)!)# for #n < 0#