What is the process of photosynthesis?

1 Answer

It is the process in which plants produce glucose.


Photosynthesis is the process in which plants make glucose from the suns light energy, water and carbon dioxide.

The light energy comes from the sun, which is constantly undergoing nuclear fusion (using hydrogen) and is absorbed by the palisade cells, which are optimised for energy absorbton. Water and carbon dioxide enter the leaf through the stomata (small holes on the underside f the leaf that are controlled by gaurd cells) by diffusion. The produced oxygen leaves the leaf in the same way, and the glucose is stored, used in respiration or used to make other vital substances.

Here is video of the light reaction of photosynthesis taking place in an aquatic plant - you can see the bubbles of oxygen leaving the vascular tissue of the plant where it was cut.

Video from: Noel Pauller

This reaction occurs in the chloroplasts of the plant cells (they contain chlorophyll, a green pigment, which is what gives plants their green colour).

#"carbon dioxide" + "water" + "energy" -> "glucose" + "oxygen"#>#6"CO"_2 + 6"H"_2"O" -> "C"_6"H"_12"O"_6 + 6"O"_2#