Would life on other planets need to have DNA?

2 Answers
Sep 30, 2015



If there is life on Mars, then they should have DNA on them. If they didn't have DNA, then I don't think we can call them living organisms. Instead, they might be a totally different phenomenon other than life.

I'm no expert in this field but that's what I think, at least.

Sep 30, 2015

Yes they could, but it doesn't mean they have to.


Just because all of the life forms of earth have DNA/RNA doesn't mean that there aren't other substances that can replicate their functions. In fact, scientists have managed to create Synthetic nucleic acids (referred to as Xeno Nucleic Acid or XNA) that are based off of different sugar molecules or entire different substances than DNA but can mimic most of its functions.

So whether or not the life forms found on the red planet will have DNA, RNA or an entirely different complex with similar functions to the former two is still impossible to say.
