Three people go to the market in the morning with the following probabilities: 1/2, 2/3, and 3/4. What is the likelihood that two go to the market on a given morning?

1 Answer
Nov 6, 2015

We'll have to work out the probabilities for all three combinations of two, where one stays home . Let's call the people #A,B,C#


We'll define the probabilities by the letter #P#
(the #not# sign means "not", #^^# means "and")

Then we get (remember "and" means multiply)

Since these combinations are mutually exclusive we add :

Note :
If the question had been "at least two" we would have to add:
#P(A^^B^^C)=1/2*2/3*3/4=6/24# for a total of #17/24#

If you had just added the probabilities of
#P(A^^B)+P(A^^C)+P(B^^C)# without the NOT's, then #P(A^^B^^C)# would have been included three times. In fact #P("total")# would then be greater than 1 (a capital sin).