What functions does the urinary system perform?

1 Answer
Nov 11, 2015

It eliminates waste (urea,uric acid), regulates electrolytes balance, control blood volume,pressure,and PH,synthesis of some substances


  1. Waste eliminations; The kidney filters blood, reabsorb what is important to the body and produce urine. The urine contains urea,and sometimes toxin or drugs. The urine is expelled out of the body through the bladder.

  2. Balancing electrolytes; the kidney can control level of potassium, sodium,calcium,magnesium and chloride ion in blood. If their concentrations are higher than normal,the kidney will increase their excretion in the urine until they are restored to normal levels. And if their concentrations are low,the kidney will increase their reabsorption again to conserve them.

  3. Control blood volume and pressure; by controling the amount of water reabsorped or excreted . that happened through different pathways
    a. ADH; antidiuretic hormone retain water in the body '↑ reabsorption'and constrict blood vessel.
    b. Aldosterone; increase sodium reabsorption causing water retention and increasing blood pressure
    c. enzyme renin; constrict blood vessel, retain water, increasing blood pressure

  4. control PH; the kidney control levels of hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions in the blood.the kidney excrete hydrogen ions in the urine to keep the blood slightly alkaline..and conserve the bicarbonate which act as buffer

  5. producing substances;
    a. erythropoietin:a hormone which stimulate red blood cell production .
    b. calcitriol : active form of Vit D,responsible for Calcium in blood
    c. Renin : an enzyme produced in esponse to low blood pressure,causing increased blood pressure
    d. nitric oxide: promoting diuresis.