What is the total number of diagonals for a hexagon and a heptagon?

1 Answer
Nov 24, 2015

The previous answer correctly gave the formula for a number of diagonals D in N-sided convex polygon:
Below is its explanation.


Let's fix one particular vertex in a convex polygon. It has two neighboring vertices that are connected to our vertex by two polygon's sides. All other N3 vertices can be connected to our vertex by a diagonal.

So, from each vertex we can draw N3 diagonals to other vertices in a convex polygon.

Now we have to take into consideration that this can be done at each of N vertices. So, the number of diagonals seems to be N(N3). However, in this process we counted each diagonal twice. If A and B are two vertices that can be connected by a diagonal, we counted one and the same diagonal twice - firstly, as on of those initiated from A and, secondly, as one of those initiated from B.

Therefore, the real number of diagonals is half of what we counted above, that is

With this formula in mind, for hexagon (6-sided convex polygon, that is N=6) the number of diagonals is

For N=7