What are the asymptotes and removable discontinuities, if any, of #f(x)= (x^3 -16x) / (4x^2 - 4x )#?

1 Answer
Jan 6, 2016

Oblique asymptotes #f(x) =x/4# and #f(x) = -x/4#. Discontinuity at #x=1# and removable discontinuity at #x=0#


Factor both the numerator and denominator
#f(x) = (x(x^2 - 16))/(4x(x-1)#
The bracketed term in the numerator is the difference of two squares and can therefore be factored
#f(x) = (x(x-4)(x+4))/(4x(x-1))#
Discontinuities exist wherever the denominator is zero, which will happen when #x=0# or when #x=1#. The first of these is a removable discontinuity because the single #x# will cancel out from numerator and denominator.
#f(x) = ((x-4)(x+4))/(4(x-1))#
As #x# gets larger positively the function will approach #f(x) = x/4# and as it gets larger negatively it will approach #f(x) = -x/4#