In parallel RC circuits, is it true that the larger the value of C, the larger the phase angle?

2 Answers



The larger value of C, the smaller is its reactance Xc and the larger is the current Ic.

As the angle is = arctg (Ic/Ir),
the larger Ic the larger the angle.

Jan 25, 2016



When an AC voltage having frequency #omega # is applied across a capacitor of capacity #C#, the impedance #Z_C# is given by

#Z_C=1/(jomega C)#, where #j-=sqrt -1# also

Capacitive Reactance #X_C -=(omegaC)^-1#

Now in a parallel #RC# circuit as shown in the figure

The total impedance is calculated by adding individual impedance in parallel.

#1/Z_(eq)=1/Z_R+1/Z_C=1/R+jomega C=1/R+j/(X_C)#
#implies Z_(eq)=(RX_C)/(X_C+jR)#

The phase angle between the applied voltage and total current is given by
#theta=tan^-1 (R/X_C)#
We observe that larger value of capacitor will lead to larger phase angle, #X_C# being in the denominator or #C# being in the numerator.