How do you express #(2x^2+4x+12)/(x^2+7x+10)# in partial fractions?

1 Answer
Mar 1, 2016

#(2x^2+4x+12)/((x+2)(x+5))(x+2)=A/(x+2) *(x+2)+ B/(x+5)(x+2)# Simplify and put in -2 for x, #A = 4#
# (2x^2+4x+12)/((x+2)(x+5))(x+5) = A/(x+2) (x+5)+ B/(x+5)(x+5)# Simplify and put in -5 for x, B= -14


To resolve into partial fractions, factor the denominator and split it into fractions. Note that A and B stands for constants. Once you split it up then multiply everything on both sides by x+2, simplify, then put in -2 for x to zero out the other fraction so we can solve for A. Do the same thing for B. Multiply everything on both sides by x+5 and put in -5 to zero out the A so we can solve for B. Once you find the values for A and B then put it into the partial fractions at the beginning.