A chemist performs the synthesis of sodium chloride from its elements. The chemist begins with 46 grams of sodium. How many moles of chlorine are needed? 2 Na + Cl2 → 2 NaCl

I didn't understand that is it asking about Cl (chlorine) or Cl2 (Chlorine GAS)...

1 Answer
Apr 16, 2016

We have 2 mol of sodium metal to start; clearly we need the 1 mole of Cl2(g).


Moles of sodium =46.0g22.9gmol1=2mol.

Given your equation, clearly we need the ONE mole of Cl2 gas. What is the mass of this quantity of chlorine?

It is fact that all of the elemental gases EXCEPT for the Noble Gases are diatomic: N2,O2,F2,Cl2. Of course, all the halogens, as the elements, are diatomic, but not all are gaseous.