Each edge of a cube is increased by 50%. How do you find the percentage of increase in the surface area of the cube?

1 Answer
May 5, 2016

Remember that the formula for the surface area of a cube is #6s^2#

This is because we find the area of one side #s^2#, then multiply it by the number of sides a cube has, which is 6.

So, if we increase the edge length of a cube, instead of s, we are going to have #1.5s# Think about it. We have #1s# originally, then increasing by 50% of 1 is #0.5#, so we have #1.5s#

We just plug this in for the surface area formula

#6*(1.5s)^2# = #13.5s^2#

We want to calculate the percentage of increase, so we put this new surface area over the original surface area.

#(13.5s^2) / (6s^2)#

We simplify this, and we get #2.25#

This is in decimal format, we move over the decimal to get #225%#

We can choose a random side length to check our answer:

I chose #s=8#, which gave 384 as the original surface area, 864 as the surface area of 12 (8 with a 50% increase)

We multiply 384 by 2.25 and we get 864.