When energy (in any of its forms) enters a black-hole, is that energy destroyed or absorbed?

1 Answer
May 29, 2016

When matter/energy (electrons, nuclei or photons) fall into a black-hole whole, their mass (or mass equivalence) is added to the that of the black-hole. As is any angular momentum (or charge).


Classically black-hole only have three measurable properties, their total mass, their total angular momentum and their total charge. This is the claim of the "no hair" theorem.

When material falls into a blackhole it's mass, angular momentum and charge becomes added to that of the blackhole. All other information is lost.

We can not know how material is organized within in the event horizon, all we can know is the three net properties.

Note since most material that tends to be added to a blackhole has little net charge, most blackholes are believed to be close to neutral.