Why do some quasars have redshifts greater than 1? Astronomy Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies Quasars and Galactive Collisions 1 Answer Nausherwan B. Jun 25, 2016 That's because they are too far away from us. Answer link Related questions How are quasars formed? Are quasars galaxies or fast moving stars? Do quasars travel at the speed of light? Why are there no nearby, or in other words, young quasars? How is the luminosity of a quasar generated? Are quasars dangerous? Are there any Hubble Telescope pictures of quasars or have they only been detected by radio telescopes? What is the distance to the farthest known quasar from earth? What are other names for quasars? Can a quasar die? See all questions in Quasars and Galactive Collisions Impact of this question 2228 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License