Question #6de4a

2 Answers
Jul 23, 2016

The locus of all such points is a circle of radius #sqrt(2)# with a center at origin. The equation describing this circle is
(3) #x^2+y^2 = 2#


The circle with equation #x^2+y^2=4# has a center at origin and radius #R=2#.

All chords sub-tending a right angle in this circle (as all chords sub-tending a fixed angle in any circle) have fixed length.

A triangle formed by a chord sub-tending the right angle and two radii to its ends is a right isosceles triangle with a chord as a hypotenuse and each radius as a cathetus.

Therefore, the length of any chord, sub-tending the right angle in a circle of a radius #R=2#, by Pythagorean Theorem has the length
#L = sqrt(R^2+R^2) = 2sqrt(2)#

The segment from the center of a circle to a midpoint of a triangle described above is an altitude, median and right angle bisector of this right isosceles triangle. The length of this segment can also be calculated using Pythagorean Theorem as
#H = sqrt(R^2-(L/2)^2) = sqrt(4-(sqrt(2))^2)=sqrt(2)#

This length #H# is a distance from the origin to a midpoint of ANY chord sub-tending a right angle in our circle.

Therefore, the locus of all such points is a circle of radius #H=sqrt(2)# with a center at origin. The equation describing this circle is
(3) #x^2+y^2 = 2#

Nov 13, 2017

The Right Choice is Option #(3) : x^2+y^2=2.#


Observe that, #x^2+y^2=4# represents a circle, having centre at the

Origin #O=O(0,0)# and radius #r=2.#

The parametric eqns. of this circle are,

#x=2costheta, y=2sintheta, theta in [0,2pi).#

Let #P=P(2costheta,2sintheta)# be one end-point of a chord #PQ#

of this circle.

Then, #vec(OP)# makes an #/_theta# with the #+ve# direction of

the X-axis.

Since, #PQ# subtends a right angle at the Origin #O,# we find

that #vec(OQ)# must be making an #/_(theta+-pi/2)# with the

#+ve# direction of the X-axis.

#:. Q=Q(2cos(theta+-pi/2),2sin(theta+-pi/2)), i.e., #

#Q=Q(-2sintheta,2costheta), or, Q=Q(2sintheta,-2costheta).#

If #Q=Q(-2sintheta,2costheta), and, P=P(2costheta,2sintheta),#

then, the mid-point #M" of "PQ# is #M(costheta-sintheta,costheta+sintheta).#

To find the Locus of M, let us set, #M=M(X,Y)#, then, we have,

#X=costheta-sintheta, Y=costheta+sintheta.#

Eliminating #theta# from this, we get, #X^2+Y^2=2,# showing that

the general eqn. of the desired locus is #x^2+y^2=2.#

In case, #Q=Q(2sintheta,-2costheta),# we get the same result.

Hence, the right choice is option #(3) : x^2+y^2=2.#

Enjoy Maths.!