What does the metamorphosis of a frog involve?

1 Answer

Metamorphosis of a frog involves the change from a fish like form to an adult frog.


Frogs are amphibians, meaning they live in the water for part of their life and on land for another part of their life. Frog metamorphosis involves a fish-like organism that has gills and a tail transforming to a semi-aquatic frog.


Frogs start as eggs which hatch and grow into tadpoles. After a week or more, the tadpole begins swimming and feeding on algae. Tadpoles feed on vegetation and have a long, coiled intestine to digest algae. They have fish-like movement with tail and undulating body movements. The respiratory organs of tadpoles are external gills.

At around four weeks, tadpoles lose their gills and rely on lungs for respiration.

By six to nine weeks, hind limbs appear and then forelimbs. The organism may start consuming insects and other plant material and the length of intestine is reduced. The tail shortens over time, is not much more than a stub around twelves weeks, and eventually it disappears altogether.

In short the fish form is changed into a land dwelling form.

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