How do you find the fourth roots of 625i?

1 Answer
Sep 7, 2016

Using cis theta = cos theta + i sin theta, the roots are

5cis(pi/8), 5 cis(5/8pi), 5 cis(9/8pi) and 5 cis(13/8pi)
=5(+-sqrt(2+sqrt 2)/2+-isqrt(2-sqrt 2)/2)


Using cis theta for cos theta +i sin theta#,

cis((2kpi+pi/2)i)=cis(pi/2i)=i, for k=0, +_1, +-2, +-3, ...

So, (625i)^(1/4)=625^(1/4)( cis((2kpi+pi/2)i)=cis(pi/2i))^(1/4)

=5( cis((2kpi+pi/2)/4)i), k =0, 1, 2, 3, omitting other k values that

produce repetitions. So, the root are

=5cis(pi/8), 5 cis(5/8pi), 5 cis(9/8pi) and 5 cis(13/8pi).

Using cos (pi/8)=sqrt((1+cos(pi/4))/2)=sqrt(2+sqrt 2)/2 and,


sin(pi/8)= sqrt(2-sqrt 2)/2, the answer can be presented as

5(+-sqrt(2+sqrt 2)/2+-isqrt(2-sqrt 2)/2)