Is glomerular filtrate: clear in appearance and contains no glucose; a concentrated solution of waste products; identical to blood plasma; blood plasma that lacks most proteins; or is it whole blood?

1 Answer
Sep 10, 2016

The glomerular filtrate is identical to blood plasma that lacks most proteins


The glomerulus filters from the blood the proteins and cells that are too large to pass through its membrane channels.

The last option is wrong, because whole blood contains proteins and cells.

The glomerular membrane is extremely selective.

It allows only about 0.02 % of plasma albumin to pass through, so the third option is wrong.

The glomerular filtrate contains water, glucose, salts, and urea, so the first option is wrong.

The glucose, salts, and urea enter the Bowman's capsule in essentially the same concentrations as they have in the blood.

Hence, the second option is wrong. The glomerular filtrate is NOT a concentrated solution of waste products.

The only correct statement is the fourth option: the glomerular filtrate is identical to blood plasma that lacks most proteins.