If #a=6# and #b=11#, what is #8(a^2-3b)-:8+3#?

1 Answer

Expession #=6#

Substitute the values given for a and b into the equation.


a = 6

b = 11

# = ((8(6^2 - 3(11)))/ color(red)(8+3)) #

NB: Applying the hierachy of operators #-:# is applied before #+# unless parentheses are used to alter the hierarchy. The expression above should be written:

# = ((8(6^2 - 3(11)))/ 8)+3 #

Corrections are shown in #color(red) (red)# below.

#= ((8(36-33))/ color(red) (8) )+ color(red)3#

# =color (red) (3+3) #

#=color (red) (6) #

The final solution should be #color (red) 6#