What are the features of a cold war?

1 Answer
Oct 20, 2016

The term generally means a eat deal of suspicion, hostility and aggression between states without direct conflict.


The most famous example which reflects these aspects is The Cold War between the USA and USSR from 1945 until the demise of the USSR from 1989 onwards.

The two countries dominated the world and were in constant conflict, but never directly. This conflict was reflected in competing political, social and economic systems, namely communism versus capitalism.

The two countries also backed warring factions and countries throughout the emerging 3rd World. Examples included civil wars in Angola, and Ethiopia wars between Somalia and Ethiopia, in which they switched sides, the Vietnam war and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

They also used events such as the Olympic Games to try and prove that their systems were superior to the other.

Another example was the Arms Race where both countries amassed huge conventional forces and nuclear arsenals in an attempt to prevent the one side gaining sufficient advantage to be tempted into a pre-emptive strike.