How does the muscular system affect other systems?

1 Answer
Nov 7, 2016

There are three types of muscle tissues:cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscles.


There are three types of muscle tissues: cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscles .

I. Cardiac muscle forms the wall of heart, the most important organ of circulatory system . There are two auricles, two ventricles. Walls of auricles and walls of ventricles are two separate syncytial entities made of cardiac muscle tissue.

Auricular syncytium is separate from ventricular syncytium. This helps in contraction/relaxation of auricles to become independent of contraction/relaxation of ventricles. This will help the auricles to go into contraction while ventricles are in a state of relaxation, i.e. in a state when ventricles would be able to receive blood from contracting auricles.

Cardiac muscle around ventricle is thick and helps in pumping blood forcefully through out the circulatory system.

II. Smooth muscles are present around all soft organs, including endocrine glands. Contraction of smooth muscles around glands help in glandular secretion, e.g. secretion of tear from lachrymal
glands. Contraction of detrusor muscles help in emptying of urinary bladder. Gut muscles contract/relax in a unique way called peristalsis, and that helps in movement of food along alimentary canal.

Contraction of uterine muscle enables a mother to give birth naturally .

III. The skeletal muscles are voluntary in nature. All movement of limbs. back, neck at synovial joints of our skeleton are possible due to contraction/relaxation of skeletal muscles. There are antagonistic skeletal muscles: like biceps and triceps. You won't be able to contract both simultaneously.

Voluntary muscles also help in movement of eye ball, or in forced breathing. One important voluntary muscle associated with respiratory actions is phrenic muscle of diaphragm.

Antagonistic muscles are also present in iris: circular and radial muscles, which together control the diameter of pupil.

All systems of our body derive benefits from muscles , hence this answer can actually get very lengthy. You may read the following to know more about muscles: