What is the type of curve represented by the equation #r=sin6theta#?
1 Answer
graph{(x^2+y^2)^3.5-6xy(x^4+y^4)+20x^3y^3=0 [-2 2 -1 1]}
The period =
There is just one loop:
For this loop,
For conversion, I have used
Likewise, in the same Cartesian frame, the graph is created for the
seldom cared yet grand
The shape is on uniform scale. The intruded arc over the zenith is
not a part of the graph, for one period. Please ignore it. Sans this
arc, the graph is OK.
graph{y-(x^2+y^2)(1-x^2-y^2)^0.5(6-32(x^2+y^2)(1-x^2-y^2))=0[-3 3 -1.5 1.5]}