What diseases are caused by fungi?

1 Answer
Nov 23, 2016

Fungi cause diseases in plants , animals as well as animals.


Some diseases caused by fungus in plants, animals and humans are as listed here.

Disease in Plant and Causative agent
1) Wilt of Tomato, cotton, banana -Fusarium oxysporus
2) red rot of sugarcane. - Collectotrichum falcatum
3) maize smut. - Ustilago maydis
4) black rust of wheat. - Puccinia graminis tritici
5) downy mildew of cereals. - Sclerospora graminicola

Disease of Animal. and Causative agent
1) Pencillin sps - Penicillin sps
2) aspergillosis - Aspergillus sps
3) athlete foot. - Tinea rubrum
4) ring worm - Trichophyton
5)mucomycosis - Mucor, Rhizopus

Diseases of human. and Causative agent
1) Aspergillosis. - Aspergillus niger
2) ring worm. - Trichophyton , Microsporum
3) Candidiasis. - Candida albicans
4) otomycosis. - Aspergillus fumigans
5) geotrichosis. - Geotrichum candidum