What is the priority order of factors like resonance, hybridization, solvation, etc. in determining the relative acidity or basicity of compounds in a list?

1 Answer
Nov 26, 2016

WARNING! Long answer! Here are my thoughts.


Anything that decreases the X-H bond strength in the acid or stabilizes the conjugate base will increase the acidity and decrease the basicity of the conjugate base.

I would identify the factors in the order 1. Resonance; 2. Atom; 3. Dipole Inductive effect; 4. Orbitals (RADIO).

Strong acids

There are six common strong acids. In order of increasing acidity, they are:


Any strong acid is stronger than most organic acids.

Some factors to consider are:

1. Resonance

I put resonance stabilization of the anion first in the list.

The more resonance contributors a conjugate base has, the stronger the acid will be.

That partly explains why sulfuric acid is stronger than nitric acid.

It also explains why acetic acid (pKa5) is a stronger acid than
ethanol (pKa16).


2. Atom

(a) Acidity of H-X increases from left to right on the Periodic Table.



As the electronegativity of X increases, the bonding electrons are puled closer to X and the acidity increases.

The exception is HF, for which the conjugate base F- is stabilized by solvation by water molecules.

(b) Acidity increases from top to bottom of the Periodic Table.


As you go down a group, the bond length becomes longer and weaker, and the charge density on the ion decreases.

3. Dipoles and Inductive Effects

Electronegative atoms draw negative charge toward themselves.

This weakens the H-X bond and stabilizes the conjugate base.

The effect decreases with distance from the acidic H atom.

Inductive EffectsInductive Effects
(From SlidePlayer)

Alkyl groups are electron-donating groups.

They push electron density onto the COOH group and destabilize the carboxylate ion.

The more alkyl groups, the weaker the acid.

4. Orbitals

The more s character in an orbital, the closer the electrons will be to the nucleus.

As we go from sp3 (alkane) to sp2 (alkene) to sp (alkyne) hybridization, the stability of the negative charge increases.

Alkynes are remarkably acidic compared to alkanes.


Here's a summary of the discussion.
