What is FEV1 and FVC?

1 Answer
Dec 24, 2016

FEV1 and FVC are tests used in the diagnosis of various lung diseases.



Spirometry is a common test used to assess how well your lungs work.

It measures how much air you inhale, how much you exhale, and how quickly you exhale.



FEV1 (Forced Expired Volume in 1 s) is the volume that you exhale at the end of the first second of forced expiration.


FVC (Forced Vital Capacity) is the largest volume of air that you can forcefully expel with a maximum effort.

The FEV1/FVC ratio

The FEV1/FVC ratio represents the proportion of your vital capacity that you can exhale in the first second of forced expiration.


Normal values are approximately 80 %.

An FEV1/FVC ratio < 80 % indicates that some condition is restricting or obstructing the airways.

A person who has asthma or COPD has a lower FEV1/FVC ratio than a healthy person.