Kayla earns a weekly salary of $290 plus a 5.5% commission on sales at a gift shop. How much would she make in a week if she sold $5700 worth of merchandise?

1 Answer
Jan 12, 2017

Kayla would make $603.50


A formula for what Kayla earns can be written as:

#w = $290 + (5.5%# of #s)#


#w# is Kayla's weekly salary - which we are trying to calculate
#s# is Kayla's weekly sales - $5700

"Percent" or "%" means "out of 100" or "per 100", Therefore 5.5% can be written as #5.5/100#.

When dealing with percents the word "of" means "times" or "to multiply".

Substituting gives:

#w = $290 + (5.5/100 xx $5700)#

We can now calculate #w#:

#w = $290 + ($31350)/100#

#w = $290 + $313.50#

#w = $603.50#