Can someone explain to me what metallic bonding is?

2 Answers

Metallic Bonding is the Bond between the different Atoms in a given Metallic Crystal.


Each metal, such as Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Aluminum (Al), etc, has crystal structure (unit cell). Inside these crystal structures, the atoms of a given metal (say iron) are bonded with each others through a bond, called "Metallic Bond".
With kind regards
Dr. Mamdouh Younes
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Jan 23, 2017

Possibly. The typical description of "metallic bonding" is as "positive ions in a sea of electrons..........."


In a close-packed array of metal atoms, each atom is conceived to donate 1 or 2 or more valence electrons to the overall lattice such that these electrons are delocalized over the entire lattice. Because bonding is now delocalized, the positively charged metal nuclei can move respect to each other while maintaining the metallic bond, and this gives rise to certain properties that we associate with metals.

Metals are "(i) malleable", that is metals are capable of being hammered out into a thin sheet (cf. "Latin, malleus = hammer"), and "(ii) ductile", capable of being drawn into a wire. These properties are the reasons why metals are such superb materials for tool-making. In addition, metallic bonding can explain why metals are (often) superb conductors of electricity, and heat (most metals are good thermal conductors - the free electrons propagate transfer of thermal energy).

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