What happens if an A type person receives B blood? What happens if an AB type person receives B blood? What happens if a B type person receives O blood? What happens if a B type person receives AB blood?

1 Answer
Jan 24, 2017

To start with the types and what they can accept:
A blood can accept A or O blood Not B or AB blood.
B blood can accept B or O blood Not A or AB blood .
AB blood is a universal blood type meaning it can accept any type of blood, it is a universal recipient.
There is O type blood which can be used with any blood type but it is a little trickier than AB type as it can be given better than recieved.
If blood types that cannot be mixed are for some reason mixed then the blood cells of each type will clump together inside of blood vessels this prevents proper circulation of blood within the body. This may also cause red blood cells to rupture and spill their hemoglobin content which is poisonous once outside the cell and may even cause death.