A resting car starts accelerating with α=5.0m/s^2 , then uniformly, and finally, decelerating at the same rate, α, comes to a stop. The total time of motion equals t=25s. The average velocity is 72 kmph. For how long does the car move uniformly?
1 Answer
Let the car cover three distances under accelerating, uniform and decelerating conditions
Using the kinematic equations
From (2) and (4)
Uniform motion
Using (3) and (4)
Using (1) and (4)
Using (2) and (4)
We know that
Average Velocity
Inserting given values in SI units we get
Using (5) (6) and (8) we get
Given is total time
Using (7)
Inserting this value is (9) we get
Roots of this quadratic are found by split the middle term and we get
Inserting these values one by one in (10) and ignoring other root which gives negative time