How do you multiply #-\frac { 9} { 25} ( \frac { 5} { 21} )#?

2 Answers



We have


First off, the negative sign is simply #(-1)# and it is being multiplied by the fraction. The negative sign will be a part of the answer at the end, whether we choose to write it as simply a negative sign or as a negative one. I'll leave it as a negative sign for ease.

When we multiply fractions, we multiply numerators and we multiply denominators:


At this point we could go ahead and perform the multiplications and the subsequent divisions, but we can do some cancellations first. Let's see that we can rewrite 25, 21, and 9 as products of their factors:


We can reorder this a bit:


Feb 18, 2017




#:.=-cancel9^3/cancel25^5 xx cancel5^1/cancel21^7#

#:.=-3/5 xx1/7#
