How to demonstrate this with mathematical induction?#P(n):n^3+5n# divide with 6 is true #forall ninNN#.

3 Answers
Apr 24, 2017

See explanation.


To prove this identity using mathematical induction we have to follow these steps:

  1. Check the identity for #n=1#: #P(1)=1^3+5*1=6#. The result is a multiple of #6#, so the thesis is true.
  2. Assume that it is true for #n=k#, so: #EE{a in ZZ} k^3+5k=6a#
  3. Next step is to prove (using the assumption) that the thesis is true for #n=k+1#




Now we can simplify the first 2 term using the assumption from point 2.



The first component of the sum is divisible by #6# (from the assumption). We have to show that the second expression is also divisible by #6#.

It is clearly divisible by #3#. As a sum of an even number and a product of 2 consecutive natural numbers the expression in brackets is an even number. Therfore the whole expression is divisible by #6#.

This concludes the proof.

Apr 24, 2017

see below


1) test for P(1)


#:.P(1)=0("mod 6")#

#:." true for " n=1#

2) Assume true #n=k#


3) Prove for #k+1#




#(k^3+5k)=6p " by assumption"#


#3(k^3+k++6)=0 ( mod 3)#

#(k^3+k+6) " for k "odd#



so#" " 3(k^2+k+6)=6m#

#:.P(k+1) =6(p+m)=0(mod6) " for k "odd"#

#k " even"=k=2t#



#:.P(k)=6(p+s)=0(mod6) " for k even"#

#P(k)=>P(k+1) AAkinNN#

but true for #P(1)#

#:." by induction " P(1)=>P(2)=>P(3).... #

#" so true "AAninNN#

Apr 24, 2017

See a non inductive proof.


To compare, a non inductive proof

We know that

#n(n+1)(n+2)# is divisible by #6# because one of #n, n+1, n+2# is divisible by #3# and also at least one of them is even.

so #n(n+1)(n+2) equiv 0 mod 6#


#n^3+5n = n(n+1)(n+2) -3n(n-1)#

and here #3n(n-1) equiv 0 mod 6#


#n^3+5n equiv 0 mod 6#