Question #70d05

3 Answers

Solar system is here for the past 4.6 billion years.


At center the Su n is producing energy by fusion and all planets satellites,asteroids,comets are moving in their orbit..Now tell me what is the problem.

May 7, 2017

There are several problems with the Solar System. One is age differences.


Based on the half live of uranium the solar system is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. ( Uranium found on earth is approximately 50% Uranium metal and 50% daughter materials.) This makes an assumption that when the earth was formed the earth material was 100% uranium and that in the process of erosion no soluble uranium has been washed away.

The comets that are part of the solar system have a limited life span. The comets that are presently orbiting the sun as part of the solar system, are no more than 10,000 to 20,000 years old. The problem is that if the comets were created at the beginning of the solar system had to account for the differences in the assumed age of the solar system and the observed age of comets.

The Oort belt was proposed as an answer to this problem. The theory suggest that there is a "cloud" of comets beyond the observable solar system that periodically are disturbed and begin to orbit the sun in a way that they can be observed replacing the comets that are evaporating. There is no empirical or observational evidence for the existence of the Oort belt. The Oort belt is proposed because it solves the age differences between the accepted age of the solar system and the observable age of comets.

May 7, 2017

One problem with the solar system is angular momentum


The nebular disk theory of the creation of the solar system has a problem with observed angular momentum.

The nebular disk theory first propose by the enlightenment philosopher Emanuel Kant suggests that the solar system was a rapidly spinning cloud of dust. Gravity then pulled the dust together to form the sun and the planets.

One problem with this generally accepted theory is angular momentum. The planets have about 1% of the mass of the solar system and should have then 1% of the angular momentum. However the planets have 99% of the angular momentum of the solar system.

The sun that has the bulk of the mass does not have a proportional amount of the angular momentum. The discrepancy between the values predicted by the nebular disk theory and the observed measured values is a problem for this theory of the solar system.