What was the last piece to complete manifest destiny and why did we need it ?

2 Answers
May 7, 2017

This question cannot be given a precise answer


Manifest Destiny is an abstract concept used to justify the Mexican American War thanks to which the USA annexed what is now its Southwestern territory.

Alaska is called the last frontier and was the last territory to join the Union in 1959 along with Hawaii. It could be called the last piece to complete manifest destiny but no hard argument can be put forward to justify this. Alaska is nicknamed the "last frontier".

In 1890 the Census Bureau declared that the frontier was closed and Idaho, Washington and Wyoming joined the Union.

The end of the frontier fueled a nostalgia which led to the rise of imperialism at the turn of the twentieth century, manifest destiny was therefore extended to outside the USA and this concept was even reused by Lincoln and Wilson.

May 8, 2017

The last piece of Manifest destiny was the Gadsden Purchase that gained the land needed for a southern route railroad across the southwest to California.


After the Mexican Cessation of its territory after the Mexican War the United States gained a huge amount of Territory. The Mexican Government was forced by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to recognize the Republics of Texas and California that then became officially part of the United States. Mexico also yielded large parts of what is now Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.

America now extended from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean as was envisioned by Manifest Destiny. The problem was that there was no easy connection between the southern coast of California, Nevada, Northern Arizona, and Northern New Mexico with Texas and the rest of the United States.

America purchased more land from Mexico in order to build a railroad connecting California to Texas on a southern route. This completed the idea of a United States connected from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The Gadsden Purchase was the last piece of Manifest Destiny.