In order for a pi bond to form, what must there be? Chemistry Bonding Basics Bonding 1 Answer Kaisha ยท Truong-Son N. May 10, 2017 See below. Explanation: A pi molecular orbital represents a pi bond from the sideways overlap of 2 parallel p orbitals. Meritnation Electron density is distributed above and below the plane of the pi bond making it weaker and thus compounds with pi bonds are more reactive. Answer link Related questions What is the Lennard-Jones potential? Why do elements share electrons? Can carbon form 4 bonds? How many atoms can hydrogen bond with? What causes dipole interactions? How does chemical bonding relate to life? How does chemical bonding affect solubility? Which of the forces of molecular attraction is the weakest: hydrogen bond, dipole interaction,... How do chemical bonds affect the properties of a substance? How do chemical bonds affect metabolism? See all questions in Bonding Impact of this question 5746 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License