We have #f:RR->RR,f(x)=|x|root(3)(1-x^2)#.How to find maximum domain of differentiability?

1 Answer
May 24, 2017

See below.


#f(x)=|x|root(3)(1-x^2) = { (xroot(3)(1-x^2),x >= 0),(-xroot(3)(1-x^2),x < 0) :}#

#d/dx(xroot(3)(1-x^2)) = root(3)(1-x^2) + x(1/3(1-x^2)^(-2/3)(-2x))#

# = root(3)(1-x^2) - (2x^2)/(3(1-x^2)^(2/3))#

# = (3(1-x^2)-2x^2)/(3(1-x^2)^(2/3))#

# = (3-5x^2)/(3(1-x^2)^(2/3))#. #" "# For #x != +-1#


#f'(x)= { ((3-5x^2)/(3(1-x^2)^(2/3)),x > 0,x != 1),(-(3-5x^2)/(3(1-x^2)^(2/3)),x < 0,x != -1) :}#
And #f# is not differentiable at #+-1#

Checking the "joint" of the "hinge" of the two parts, we see that the right derivative at #0# is #1# and the left derivative at #0# is #-1#, so there is no derivative at #0#.

Finally, here is the graph of the function: graph{y=(1-x^2)^(1/3)absx [-2.433, 2.436, -1.215, 1.217]}