How do I draw tangent lines?

1 Answer
Jun 11, 2017

See explanation...


Given a function f(x) which is smooth enough in the neighbourhood of x=a, the tangent is a line through (a, f(a)) which touches the graph of f(x) at (a, f(a)), but does not cross the graph within a short distance of that point.

The tangent line has the same slope as the function at that point.

What do we mean by slope of a function at a point?

If it exists, then it is the limit of the slope of lines through (a, f(a)) and (a+delta, f(a+delta)) as delta->0.

So given the graph of f(x) in the neighbourhood of (a, f(a)), you can place a ruler against (a, f(a)) and rotate it about that point until it no longer cuts the curve of the function. Then the ruler indicates the tangent:

graph{(y-x^3+2x)(x-y-2.001) = 0 [-0.591, 1.909, -1.52, -0.27]}