How is agriculture a source of air pollution?

2 Answers
Jul 7, 2017

If someone burns agricultural residues on the field, air pollution occurs


Heavy machinery, if it is used frequently, cause air pollution in agricultural sector.

Another issue of burning agricultural residues. This is an air pollution issue.

In some areas, such as rice fields, anaerobic processes cause methane formation. When harvesting is completed, such gases (hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc.) cause air pollution.

Jul 7, 2017

Nitrogen-rich fertilizers, animal waste, and, combustion emissions are forms of agriculture air pollution.


Nitrogen-fertilizers and animal waste release ammonia and nitrous oxide. Ammonia can combine with combustion emissions to form tiny solid particles or aerosols.
Also cows produce large amounts of methane a very potent greenhouse gas. I think is also safe to assume farm vehicles release carbon dioxide.