A chemical symbol represents what of an element?
2 Answers
An element's symbol is merely a shorthand representation of the element.
It would be painstaking to have to write out the name of the element every time you wanted to mention it, so the symbols are a great way to shortly represent the element!
Sodium -
"Na"Na ("natrium") -
Potassium -
"K"K ("kalium") -
Iron -
"Fe"Fe ("ferrum") -
Copper -
"Cu"Cu ("cuprum") -
Silver -
"Ag"Ag ("argentum") -
Tin -
"Sn"Sn ("stannum") -
Antimony -
"Sb"Sb ("stibium") -
Tungsten -
"W"W ("wolfram") -
Gold -
"Au"Au ("aurum") -
Mercury -
"Hg"Hg ("hydrargyrum") -
Lead -
"Pb"Pb ("plumbum")
If no numbers are present, it represents a single atom of an element.
A chemical symbol represents a single atom of an element:
HH a single hydrogen atom -
CC a single carbon atom.
If there are numbers on the left side, then the number of atoms increase, but they are separate atoms:
3H3H 3 atoms of hydrogen -
10K10K ten atoms of potassium
If the number appears on the right side with a subscript, then the whole symbol represents a single molecule with as many atoms as the number says:
H_2H2 a two atom particle of hydrogen -
O_3O3 a three atom particle of oxygene (also known as ozone)
If the symbol is in the form of
4O_24O2 four two atom particles of oxgen -
6N_26N2 six two atom particles of nitrogen