Paul has $4.75 in coins. He has some quarters, one more dime than quarters, and 3 less nickels than quarters. How many dimes does he have?

1 Answer
Sep 4, 2017

See a solution process below:


First, let's name some variables:

Let's call the number of quarters Paul has: #q#

Let's call the number of dimes Paul has: #d#

Let's call the number of nickles Paul has: #n#

We know:

#d = q + 1#

#n = q - 3#

#$0.25q + $0.10d + $0.05n = $4.75#

We can substitute #(q + 1)# for #d# and we can substitute #(q - 3)# for #n# and solve for #q#:

#$0.25q + $0.10(q + 1) + $0.05(q - 3) = $4.75#

#$0.25q + ($0.10 * q) + ($0.10) + ($0.05 * q) - ($0.05 * 3) = $4.75#

#$0.25q + $0.10q + $0.10 + $0.05q - $0.15 = $4.75#

#$0.25q + $0.10q + $0.05q + $0.10 - $0.15 = $4.75#

#($0.25 + $0.10 + $0.05)q + ($0.10 - $0.15) = $4.75#

#$0.40q - $0.05 = $4.75#

#$0.40q - $0.05 + color(red)($0.05) = $4.75 + color(red)($0.05)#

#$0.40q - 0 = $4.80#

#$0.40q = $4.80#

#($0.40q)/color(red)($0.40) = ($4.80)/color(red)($0.40)#

#(color(red)(cancel(color(black)($0.40)))q)/cancel(color(red)($0.40)) = (color(red)(cancel(color(black)($)))4.80)/color(red)(color(black)(cancel(color(red)($)))0.40)#

#q = 4.80/0.40#

#q = 12#

We can find the number of dimes by substituting #12# for #q# into the first equation and calculating #d#:

#d = q + 1# becomes:

#d = 12 + 1#

#d = 13#