IF Sn=1+1/2+1/2^2+.......+1/(2^n-1),find the least value of n for which 2-Sn<1/100?

1 Answer
Sep 13, 2017




The above sum is a geometric series #S_n=a+ar+ar^2+ar^3+…+ar^(n-1)# with #a=1# and #r=1/2#.

The sum of a geometric series is given by #S_n=(a(1-r^n))/(1-r)#.

Substitute the values in for the geometric series given in the problem to get #S_n=1+1/2+1/2^2+1/2^3+…+1/2^(n-1)=(1-(1/2)^n)/(1-1/2)#.

This simplifies down to #2-2(1/2)^n=2-2*2^-n=2-2^(1-n)#.

We need to find the smallest integer #n# such that #2-S_n=2-(2-2^(1-n))<1/100#.

Manipulate the equation above to obtain #2^(1-n)<1/100#. Now, just substitute values to get that all integers #n>7# will work. Thus, the smallest integer #n# is #8#.